Carpel Tunnel Wrist Brace


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Carpel Tunnel Wrist Brace

The Carpel Tunnel Wrist Brace is designed with fastener locking straps which together with a metal splint positioned at 25° allows for increased circulation and provides the protection and support needed for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpel Tunnel Wrist Brace- Product Details:

Available in both left and right handed versions in small, medium and large sizes

Position the brace so that the metal splint is on the inside of the wrist. The hand section of the splint should be placed in the mid-lower part of the palm. Wrap the fastener straps around the forearm and secure, then wrap the locking strap around the splint and secure.

Do not wear within the first 72 hours following an acute injury. This product contains a synthetic fibre, which may cause allergic reactions. Should an irritation or rash develop, discontinue use and seek medical advice. If pain persists, discontinue use and consult your medical professional.

  • TTCWB/L/S   –   Left – Small – Beige – LIMITED STOCK
  • TTCWB/R/L   –   Right – Large – Black – LIMITED STOCK
  • TTCWB/R/M  –   Right – Medium – Beige – LIMITES STOCK


See also:

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Left, Right


Small, Medium, Large