Join in Diabetes UK’s latest awareness campaign by painting your nails blue on World Diabetes Day! #NailingDiabetes
Friend of Medipost, Darby Monaghan, has had a chat with us about her experiences and the upcoming awareness campaign #nailingdiabetes. Diabetes UK is asking you to paint your nails blue this World Diabetes Day, November 14th, 2021, and spread the word on fundraising for more support and research into this illness.
Hi Darby, thank you for speaking to us today about your experiences with diabetes. When were you diagnosed and how old were you? I was diagnosed at the age of 13, which was 9 years ago. I have Type 1 Diabetes which means my body doesn’t produce insulin.
You were quite young when you were diagnosed, what support were you given and how did you find this? The support for children was amazing. The diabetes team of doctors and nurses at Dorchester Hospital were ready to answer any questions that I had and have continued to help and support me through my diabetes journey.
Did it take long to get your medication and diet right and how was that process? The process of getting medications and diet right is never-ending. I have been on several different types of insulin. It is a long process.
How do you manage your diabetes? I take at least 5 injections of insulin a day. One long-acting insulin is taken in the afternoon as a background dose. Several injections of fast-acting insulin are taken whenever I eat.
How does your diabetes affect your everyday life? One of the things I now have to take into account every day living with diabetes is that I have to ensure I have all of my medication with me at all times. This means I’m always carrying around a large bag.
Did you know anything about Diabetes before your diagnosis? I didn’t know a lot about diabetes when I was younger. I didn’t know there were several types. I only knew it affected the pancreas and that it was a life-long illness.
How have you found the last two years during the Coronavirus outbreak? Luckily it hasn’t affected how I look after my diabetes. I got my vaccine earlier than most and followed the guidelines laid out like everyone else.
Is there anything you wish more people knew about Diabetes? It’s a common misconception that people can make changes to their lifestyle to prevent diabetes. This is not the case for Type 1 diabetes and there was nothing that I could have done to stop myself from having it.
What advice would you give to someone who has just been diagnosed? Living with diabetes is a long journey, don’t overstress about getting control of your blood sugars. There will always be good days and bad days. Just try your best and don’t forget to enjoy your life.
For more information on Diabetes, #nailingdiabetes, and how you can get involved please visit Diabetes UK’s website.
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