Clinell Antibacterial Hand Wipes





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Clinell Antibacterial Hand Wipes

Clinell Antibacterial Hand Wipes. An effective wipe in maintaining high standards of hand hygiene.  Available in a box 3 sizes – a box of 100 individually wrapped wipes, a small pack of 20 wipes or pack of 200.

Effective Against
Bacteria EN13727 EN16615 10 sec 30 sec
Fungi EN13624 10 sec
Mycobacteria EN14348 10 sec
Viruses EN14476 30 sec

Both the pull out and individual hand wipe sachets contain the same powerful formula used in Clinell Universal Sanitising Wipes.  An ideal wipe for personal use or for placing on patient’s food trays. Hand hygiene is very important to prevent transmission of germs. As a result this wipe will clean and disinfect hands in one easy step.

Product Details:

  • a box of 100 individually wrapped wipes
  • a pack of 20 wipes
  • a pack of 200 wipes

Support and promote infection control through a wide variety of wet wipes and disinfectant sprays. Can be used on surfaces, skin, medical devices and fluid spills dependent upon your needs.

Specifically developed for the healthcare market. This includes hospitals, GP clinics, nursing and residential homes, dentists, vets, laboratories, pharmaceutical outlets and for use within your own home.

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